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Opinion Sought on Superintendent Search

Hello Everyone,

As you may have heard, our Superintendent, Mr. Schwedler, has received and accepted an offer to use his talents to serve a much broader segment of our community as Director of the Community Advancement Network for the Great Lakes Bay Region. We thank Charlie very much for his years of positive leadership at Bullock Creek Schools, and wish him well in his new adventures.

This presents the Bullock Creek School District with the opportunity to select a new Superintendent. The school board has started the process of making this selection and would like your help. Think back through the years and consider the Superintendents that have been a part of your educational experiences, either as a student, a parent, or a community member. What were the traits or qualities that you found made a great Superintendent? What were the things you observed an effective Superintendent doing that you feel should be the habit of every good Superintendent?

As part of the search for our new Superintendent, we would like to consider your thoughts and opinions on these matters. Please take the time to let us know the qualities and traits you would like our new Bullock Creek Superintendent to have. Capture these thoughts and send them via email to bcboard@bcreek.org.

Be sure to include your name and contact information in the email as the school board is not able to consider anonymous submittals as valid and will discard them.

Thanks for taking your time to help Bullock Creek Schools.

Jim Nemeth, President

Bullock Creek Board of Education

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