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Grant Support Enables New Nature First Grade

Grant Support Enables Bullock Creek Public Schools to Add Nature First Grade

Bullock Creek Public Schools recently received a $496,000 grant from the Herbert H. and Grace A. Dow Family Foundation to expand the district’s nature-based Kindergarten program into First Grade at Floyd Elementary. Like Nature Kindergarten, the nature-based First Grade program will integrate nature into the daily curriculum. This includes daily outdoor lessons, bringing natural materials and content back to the indoor classroom, and a weekly visit by a Chippewa Nature Center (CNC) Educator.

In response to learning of the grant Charlie Schwedler, Bullock Creek Superintendent, said, “We are thrilled by the Dow Family Foundation’s support of this unique community partnership that builds on the success we’ve had with the Nature Kindergarten program, and allows us to expand the program into First Grade.” This nature-based initiative is a partnership with Chippewa Nature Center. While the two organizations have been partners on various projects for years, this focused nature-based initiative started in fall 2012 with the first Nature Kindergarten class.

“The research is overwhelming on the benefits of time in nature to children’s physical, social-emotional, and cognitive health, and unfortunately we’re seeing a decline in the amount of time children spend outside. We’re also feeling more and more pressure to demonstrate student success. Nature Kindergarten has addressed both issues, and we’re confident Nature First Grade will do the same,” said Schwedler.

The recent grant from the Herbert H. and Grace A. Dow Family Foundation will also expand the capacity of the other grade-level teachers to integrate nature into their daily curriculum through monthly visits by a CNC educator, biennial visits to CNC for all of the district’s elementary classes, and week-long visits to CNC for each of the district’s Third, Fourth, and Fifth Grade classes.

The Nature Kindergarten sections will continue at both Pine River and Floyd Elementary, but Nature First Grade will be limited to Floyd Elementary. Parents interested in enrolling their child in Nature Kindergarten Nature First Grade at Floyd Elementary School are encouraged to call 832-2081. For Nature Kindergarten at Pine River call 631-5121.

Contact Information: Charlie Schwedler, Bullock Creek Schools, 989-631-9022, schwedlerc@bcreek.org.

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