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Band Boosters

The purpose of the Band Boosters of Bullock Creek Schools is…

…To inspire and maintain an enthusiastic interest in the Bullock Creek Band program.
…To develop a corp of parent volunteers.
…Provide financial support for band activities.
…Enhance community awareness of band achievements and activities.

Membership is open to anyone interested in the progress and development of the Band Program at Bullock Creek Schools.



Current Band Boosters Officers

President  – Joel Beeck
VP / Band Camp Coordinator – Kathy Jo Kindy
Treasurer – Sandy Way
Secretary – Jackie Schacher
Family Accounts – JoAnn Pinet
Scrip Coordinator – Heidi Sherwood
Uniform Coordinator / Communications – Christine Griese
Middle School Coordinator – Heidi Fransen
HS Coordinator – Heather Blasdell
Donation coordinator – Trailer driver – Todd Blasdell
Kroger coordinator – Heidi Sherwood
Boxtops – Jennifer Bass

Band Boosters CONSTITUTION and Bylaws


The Band Boosters meet on the fourth Monday of the month during the school year at 7:00 in the high school band room.  Check the Band Calendar for exact dates.


Thank you to each of you who have volunteered to keep this booster program strong. You are playing an important part in the education, and life, experience of a very wonderful group of young people. I am sure you will find the rewards far greater than the time commitment.



As you can see, we can be serious when we need to be.  But there’s a little crazy in all of us!!



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