Floyd News and Notes

    Floyd Families-  We’ve wrapped up another week of learning new routines and getting to know the students and adults we spend so much of our days with. Here are a few things to share with you: Student pick up is looking wonderful! Thank you for your assistance. Please share with family and friends who …

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BCHS News & Notes

Dear BCHS Families, 1.  Homecoming parade & game – Friday, September 24th 2.  Homecoming dance – Saturday, September 25th 3. Picture day – BCHS – September 16th 4.  Freshman vision screening –  October 28th & 29th 5.  COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS CLOSET King’s Daughters and Sons in His Service Circle sponsors the Community Christmas Closet.  If you have financial need and your …

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BCHS Announcements – September 10, 2021

BCHS ANNOUNCEMENTS Friday, September 10, 2021 Hey Juniors and Seniors, just a reminder that on Monday, September 13th, a recruiter for the US Army will be here for a lunch visit and Northwood University will have a representative visit on Wednesday, September 15th at 12:40. If you would like to meet with him, please sign …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www2.bcreek.k12.mi.us/?p=21867

BCMS Announcements – September 10, 2021

Registration Forms:  Please return the registration form to the office as soon as possible.  These are emergency forms that are kept in the office.  Picture Day!  Picture day is Thursday, September 23rd.  Students, please bring your picture form with you on picture day.  Pictures will be taken in the morning shortly after school starts. Bus …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www2.bcreek.k12.mi.us/?p=21857

BCMS Fire Drill #1

On September 10, 2021, BCMS conducted its first of five fire drills for the 2021/2022 school year.

Permanent link to this article: http://www2.bcreek.k12.mi.us/?p=21855

BCMS Announcements – September 9, 2021

Registration Forms:  Please return the registration form to the office as soon as possible.  These are emergency forms that are kept in the office.  Picture Day!  Picture day is Thursday, September 23rd.  Students, please bring your picture form with you on picture day.  Pictures will be taken in the morning shortly after school starts. Bus …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www2.bcreek.k12.mi.us/?p=21853

BCHS- Fire Drill #1 – 9/9/21

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BCHS- Tornado Drill #1 – 9/7/21

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BCHS Announcements – September 9, 2021

BCHS ANNOUNCEMENTS – Thursday, September 9, 2021 Interested in being onstage or working behind the scenes? The Drama Club will be holding auditions for their Fall play, Alice and Wonderland, today from 3:00 to 5:00 in the Auditorium. Anyone is welcome to Audition. If you wish to work behind the scenes or have any questions, please …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www2.bcreek.k12.mi.us/?p=21847

BCHS Reminders…

Dear BCHS Families, 1.  CORRECTION (from a previous note)…BCHS picture day will be held on September 16th 2.  September 10th – BCHS will be hosting a shot clinic for anyone 12 years old and up.  The Midland County Health Department will be offering access to all vaccines at this event. Please see attachment for more information. …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www2.bcreek.k12.mi.us/?p=21845

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