Category Archive: Principal News Middle School

BCMS News & Notes

Greetings, Just a few reminders from BCMS… * Friday, October 13th is a ½ day for students.  Release time will be 10:30 for BCMS.  No lunches will be served. * Thursday, November 2nd will be the next BCMS dance.  In order to make the 4:00 student pick up more efficient, you’re welcome to use the bus loop as …

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BCMS News & Notes

Greetings, Just a couple of quick reminders… 1.  October 13th is a ½ day.  BCMS will release students at 10:30am 2.  Girls’ Basketball is looking for athletes.  7th & 8th grade girls can sign up in the office next week. 3.  Delta College STEM festival.. Walking on water, 60-second ice cream and objects floating in mid-air are just some …

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BCMS News & Notes

Greetings, Just a couple of reminders for the beginning of the week… 1.  Sharing Tree forms are due back to the school by October 4th.  If you are in need of other forms, please contact Jackie Fermoyle at or (989) 698-3202  Ext. 1407 2.  PT Conferences this week.      October 3rd 4:00-7:30      October 5th 3:00-6:30 3.  October 13th is …

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BC Homecoming Details

Greetings, This is homecoming week for Bullock Creek.  Below are the details on some of the great events happening beginning Friday afternoon. 1. Homecoming Parade – The parade begins at 4:30 p.m.  The parade route starts at the church          on the corner of Patterson Road and Stewart Road.  The parade will progress …

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BCMS Parent/Teacher Conferences

Greetings, BCMS will be hosting parent/teacher conferences on October 3rd from 4:00-7:30pm and October 5th from 3:00-6:30pm.  Both conference dates will be ‘drop-in’ and no appointments are necessary. 6th grade teachers will be meeting with families in the Library, 7th grade teachers will be located in the cafeteria and 8th grade conferences will take place in the gym.  Teachers that have multiple …

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BCMS News & Notes

Greetings, Thank you to the parents who were able to attend the BCMS Curriculum Night.  It was great to have everyone in the building and visiting classrooms.  We plan to offer this again next year with hopes of getting everyone to attend. Homecoming is coming up next week.  Here’s some information regarding the homecoming festivities….Friday, September …

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BCMS News & Notes

Greetings, Here are a few events for your calendar… *September 19th – BCMS Curriculum Night *September 28th – MS Dance 2:30-4:00 *October 3rd – Parent/Teacher Conferences 4:00-7:30pm *October 5th – Parent/Teacher Conferences 3:00-6:30pm Just a few reminders… * Drop off/Pick up has been going well.  Thank you for being patient and considerate while everyone is learning the system *Cross Country and Girls’ Volleyball …

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BCMS 1/2 Days

Greetings, Just a reminder that this Friday is a ½ day for students.  BCMS will release students at 10:30.  No lunch will be served on our ½ days. There are 5 more half days of school this year.  They are on: October 13 December 5 January 25 April 26 May 18 You can always see the full school …

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BCMS News & Notes

Greetings, I’ll try and keep this short.  Please read through everything.  I have several important things to pass along this week. * NO BUS PASSES will be issued for BCMS student to ride home on an elementary route *Please sign and return both the last page of the student handbook AND the emergency contact form …

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BCMS Supply List

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