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Sept 22 Announcements

PICTURE DAY is Tuesday, September 29.  Pick up an order form in the main office today after school if you did not receive one.
After School Intervention (ASI) will begin this week.  ASI is held every Tuesday and Wednesday from 2:50 until 4:05 in room 2D.
The Delta College visit is today at 11:00 am.  Michigan Tech visit is Sept. 24 at 8:30 am, and Alma College at 11:00 am on the 24th.  Lake Superior State University will visit on 9-25-15 at 1:30 pm.  Please sign up in the Career Center if  you are interested in meeting with these college reps.
Seniors, have you checked out the newly posted scholarship opportunities on the bulletin board in D-wing or in the Lancer Lounge?  They are also posted on our school website. Now is the time to start applying.
Slip ‘N Slide Kickball is coming to Messiah Lutheran Church Sunday, September 27th from 6 – 8pm!  Bring some friends and join us as we play an old game with a new twist.  If you like slip ‘n slides or kicking a ball, this is for you!!!  Bring clothes you don’t mind getting wet and be there on the 27th.

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