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BCHS News and Notes

BCHS Families,

Northwood University will be hosting a College Night on Thursday, September 24 from 6:30-8:00 p.m.  Representatives from public and private universities as well as community colleges, military representatives, and trade and vocational schools will be present to provide all high school students with information about different post-secondary education plans.  Students can gather information about certification and degree programs to help them start to plan for life after graduation!  Students who attend also have the opportunity enter their name into a drawing at the end of the month by checking in with Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Flaminio, or Mr. Bonello, who will be present at the event, or by bringing proof of attendance to the counseling office on Friday, September 25.  This is a great event for seniors but also for underclassmen to help them begin thinking about post-secondary options.

Picture day is coming up at the high school on Tuesday, September 29th. Picture forms were sent home with students. If a student still needs a form, they can stop by the main office and pick up a picture form. All students will have their picture taken regardless if they will be purchasing any pictures. Picture money is due the day of pictures or you can go online to place your order. Directions for online ordering can be found on the picture form.

On Wednesday, October 14, BCHS will be administering the PSAT/NMSQT (Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test) to ALL juniors.  This is a standardized exam that assesses the students’ mathematical, written, and verbal skills.  In the junior year, students are eligible to compete for the National Merit Scholarships.  Freshmen and sophomores are able to take the exam as a practice, but we have a limited number of exams available (first come, first served).  The exam will be administered in the Main Gym 7:55-11:00am.

The test is FREE for 11th grade students.  The cost for 9th and 10th grade students is $15, and a check or money order is needed to reserve your student’s seat.   The deadline to register is October 8.  If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Brown at brownj@bcreek.org.

In the Spring of 2016, all 11th grade students will be taking the SAT as part of the State Assessment Cycle. In addition, all 9th grade students will be administered the PSAT8/9, and all 10th grade students will take the PSAT10 in the Spring 2016.  This will be a FREE practice PSAT for 9th and 10th grade students.

Midland Public Schools will host a SAT Parent Information Session on Thursday, October 8 from 6:30-7:30 p.m. in the Central Auditorium. Sarah Thaler, Director of Michigan SAT will be sharing information about the SAT suite of assessments and there will be an opportunity for questions and answers. Please see the attached flyer for more details. All parents from the Midland County schools are invited to attend.

Sharing Tree forms were distributed to students this week who have participated last year.  If you are interested in participating in the Sharing Tree program this year, forms are due on October 8 to the Counseling Center.  Additional forms are available in the Counseling Center.

Just a reminder that a great way to stay up to date on events happening at the high school is to check the high school daily announcements that are posted on the Bullock Creek website. To do this, go to www.bcreek.org and click on the parent tab. Then go to the daily announcement link for the high school and you will see the daily announcements for that day.

I hope your school year is off to a great start.


Todd M. Gorsuch, Principal

Bullock Creek High School

SAT Parent Info Night Flyer-1

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