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BCMS News & Notes

We have now completed our first marking period, report cards will be be sent home on Monday.
Our homework help program is up and running.  Let me remind you that we have a teacher available on Tuesdays and Thursdays here at the middle school who is providing assistance with student work. Students may stay after school from 2:30-3:30 on these days.  Please consider taking advantage of this fantastic resource.
The weather is turning COLDER, students will be outside everyday for 15 minutes of their lunch period.  Please encourage them to dress for the weather.
Morning drop off is running smoothly, thank you very much for driving slowly through the parking lot and remaining patient as students are exiting vehicles.
Wrestling and Girls’ Basketball will begin next week – good luck!
Have a great weekend,
Curt Moses, Principal
**The Midland County Road Commission will hold an informational meeting to discuss improvements to Badour and Gordonville roads on November 24th from 4-6 pm in the high school cafeteria.

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