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Announcements for Today

Lancer Leaders wear your shirts on Wednesday.  We will be meeting in Rm #111 on Wednesday during AC.  Please sign out with your AC teacher first.

Food drive ends on Nov. 18 and the winning AC class gets a prize.  Lets get busy and bring to your AC class – non-perishable and non expired food for our food drive.

Report Cards going home today, students remember to take them home.

Spirit Day on Wednesday its Wacky Hair Day and on Thursday – Staff bring in $1 to wear jeans and Students 50⊄ to wear hats, and proceeds go to help with our Food Drive.

6th grade boys interested in playing club basketball this winter.  Sign up in the office.

Lunch tomorrow: Meat Lovers Sub or Pizza or BBQ Ribblet, Tator Tots, Broccoli & Celery, fruit & milk.

Reminder: Thursdays-Popcorn on sale for $1 or add cheese for $1.25. Friday mornings donuts on sale before class for $1 with a limited number available.  2H Program at Floyd on Mondays & Wednesday, Tuesdays in #309 with Mr. Laughner and Thursdays #313 with Mr. Habitz.

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