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5-13-16 Principal News

Attached you will find a note that explains the Field Day/Picnic Day at Pine River Elementary.  Your child’s classroom teacher will also be communicating with you in regards to the activities of the last days of school, too.
Also attached is a letter from Superintendent Shawn Hale regarding the Bond Election on August 2, 2016.  If you are a Facebook user, please search for Bullock Creek Bond Election and ‘like’ the page.
With summer just around the corner, Delta College has opportunities for a variety of summer camps.  If interested, check out their website: www.delta.edu/summercamps
Many organizations have provided flyers for the students – you should see many of these informational flyers coming home today.
The students who participated in Girls on the Run are participating in a Community Impact Project.  Students are collecting items for the Food Pantry and also for the Humane Society.  Items will be collected the week of May 16 – 20.
Thank you for sending in the Box Tops.  The current contest ends next Friday, but you can continue sending in any additional Box Tops through the end of the year.
Keep your fingers crossed that the nice weather is here to stay and have a great weekend.
Debra Bradford

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