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BCMS News & Notes

Let me share a few things that are happening at BCMS in the next week or so.
*8th grade MSTEP has begun and testing is currently underway.  We’ll be assessing 8th grade students on the following days – April 12, 13, 18 & 19.  Having a good rest and healthy breakfast on test days will go a long way in getting kids ready to test.  This is our chance to show the state what a great group of kids we have and how much they’ve grown academically in the past year!
*NO SCHOOL on Friday (April 14th)
*A scheduling conflict is requiring us to change the date of the April 20th dance.  I will pass that new date along as soon as I have it.
*If you have a child that is interested in becoming an umpire for the local little league – see the attached flyer for additional details.
Have a great weekend!
Curt Moses

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