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HS Announcements – April 12, 2017

Teachers, please release the boys and girls track teams at 2:30 today.
  •  Attention Creekers for a Cause members there will be NO meeting tomorrow morning.
  • Attention NHS members: If you have not yet turned in your cookie dough order forms, please do so as soon as possible. There is a full group meeting for new and current members tomorrow at 3 in the Media Center. Senior NHS members, don’t forget to turn in your hours no later than May 1st. The deadline is approaching faster than it seems.
  • Chippewa Nature Center is looking for students interested in volunteering as Counselors in Training for their summer camps.  If you are interested, stop by the Lancer Lounge for an application.  The applications are due April 14.
  • Attention Prom Goers:  Prom is Saturday, April 29, at The H Hotel in downtown Midland.  It will begin at 7 p.m. and end at 11 p.m.

  • Nominations for prom king and queen will be on Tuesday, April 18 ONLY, during both lunches.  On April 20, Thursday ONLY, we will VOTE for king and queen, during both lunches.
  • Prom tickets will be sold on April 24, 25, & 26, Mon, Tues, & Wed.  The price will be $30 for each person.  Prom Guest Forms for non-Bullock Creek guest may be picked up in the main office.
  • Formal pictures begin at 6:30 p.m., dinner will be served at 7:30 p.m., our D.J. begins at 8:30, pizza will be served at 9:45 p.m., and the king/queen crowning is at 10:30 p.m.  There will also be a “photo booth” for goofy pictures.  If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Sweebe or Mrs. Moody in room 6A.

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