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BCHS Announcement 12/19/19

December 19, 2019

Senior portraits, senior baby pictures, and seniors with siblings photos are due TOMORROW! Email digital copies to Mrs. Discher, or submit a hard copy that will be returned to you. If you are depending on a photographer to send in your photo, you will want to check in with Mrs. Discher to make sure that photo has been received. The yearbook staff will use school ID photos for those seniors who do not submit a senior portrait.

Attention HERO members past, present, and future…  We will have a special guest tomorrow. Please see a member, Mr. Korson or Mrs. Hahn for details – but it will be an event! Bring a treat to share and be ready to welcome a local celebrity!

ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS!! Time to start cleaning the trash out of your lockers! Please use the yellow trash cans in the hallways. Remember- if you use a locker in one of the locker rooms, that needs to be COMPLETELY emptied! This includes athletes that are in season right now!! Items that are left will be thrown out – you’ve been warned!

Our last of of the 12 days of Christmas Spirit Days tomorrow will be Class Color & Santa Hat Day! Freshmen wear green, sophomores wear white, juniors wear blue & staff wear silver and gold! Don’t forget your fun Santa hat to show your holiday cheer!

Lunch tomorrow: Pizza Crazy Day! Variety of pizza with a new twist on toppings! Carrots & broccoli, fresh fruit or frozen slushie.

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