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BCHS Announcement 2/17/20

February 17, 2020

Applications for the Early College Program are due to the Counseling Center by the end of the day on Wednesday. Please see Mrs. Brown if you have any questions.

Hey all Lancers!  The annual semi-formal Sadie Hawkins dance is Saturday, February 29th, from 8:00 to 10:00 pm. Remember ladies…this means YOU do the asking!! Tickets go on sale Monday, February 24th and will be sold for $10 a couple, and $8 for a single during both lunches. Guest passes are in the main office and need to be filled out BEFORE you buy your tickets. It’s a night you won’t want to miss! 

Here’s another announcement from Project 111-

Most speed related crashes happen in good weather and on country roads. Teenage boys are much more likely to speed than teenage girls. Driving too fast increases your risk of injury, rather than having a fender-bender. Speeding increases the stopping distance required to avoid a collision AND it reduces the amount of time a driver needs to avoid a collision. It also increases the likelihood that the crash will result in injury. Remember to slow down, and drive safely!

Lunch Tomorrow: Waffles or French Toast Stick, Cheese Omlette or Rib Sandwich, Hash Browns, Fruit Juice or Fresh Fruit. 

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