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BCHS News & Notes

Dear BCHS Families,
Just a quick note as we start the school year…
1.  First day of school – Monday, August 30th
2.  BCHS opens the building at 7:20am – classes begin at 7:53am & end at 2:38pm.
3.  All students need to clear the building by 3:00pm – students staying after school for practice/activities must report immediately to those activities.
4. Dress code – attached is a copy of the board approved BCHS dress code.  We ask that students respectfully follow the guidelines set forth in this policy.
5.  Student schedules will be available for pick up near the cafeteria on the first day of school, beginning at 7:20am.
6.  Student parking passes can be purchased in the office.  Students driving to school this week may choose any open parking spot in the student lot.
ACTION REQUIRED –  Please take a moment to update the student registration form for the 21-22 school year AND complete the free/reduced lunch forms.  ALL families should complete this form even if you don’t qualify.  Click on the link below.
Have a wonderful weekend and a great start to the school year!
Curt Moses

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