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Floyd News and Notes

Floyd Families-

I hope you found time this weekend to do something you enjoy. Here are a few things to share with you about the upcoming week:


  • Friday, October 8th is a half day for students. Lunch will be served prior to the 12:05 dismissal.  


  • We are looking for more sub paraprofessionals to work at Floyd. There are times we need someone for most of the day but also times to only help with lunch and recess from approximately 11:00am-1:00pm. If this is something you or someone you know is interested in, please contact me. 
  • Any student waiting for the results of a COVID-19 test must remain out of school until the results are known. Students will be marked excused for those days. 
  • Please call in any absences to the main office. Students with fevers or vomiting may return  after 24 hours of being fever or vomit free without medication. We encourage students with unexplained headaches, sore throats, coughs, etc. to stay home and watch for developing symptoms. Those absences will be recorded as excused.           

Have a wonderful week!  -Mrs. Moses


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