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Bullock Creek Endowment Funds

Bullock Creek Endowment Funds

Often, people speak of an investment in our youth as the most important investment we can make. “Our youth are our future,” people say. Bullock Creek School District has TWO tremendous opportunities each of us can use to make an investment in our youth that will continue to provide support for education forever.

Several years ago, an anonymous donor made a generous contribution to the Midland Area Community Foundation to start the Bullock Creek School District Endowment Fund. The purpose of the fund is to support the mission of the school district. It is unrestricted as to its use as long as it furthers the mission of our schools.

Recently, through a generous gift from the Kuehl Estate, we were able to start a second fund at the foundation- the Bullock Creek/Kuehl Family Vocational Training Endowment Fund. The terms of this gift required that a portion of it be used to support vocational education within the district. The remaining portion of this gift, designed for general district support, is being added to the Bullock Creek School District Endowment Fund.

Through gifts and investments, these funds provide a vehicle for donors to make gifts that will keep on giving to the students of Bullock Creek Schools. Endowments are invested and only the proceeds (as defined by the Foundation’s Spending Policy) are spent. This provides a permanent and growing source of revenue for our district which is not dependent upon tax dollars.

Your contributions to either of these funds will qualify for both a federal tax deduction and a Michigan Community Foundation Tax Credit. This tax advantaged giving means that a married couple may make a $400 gift and it could actually cost them as little as $129! (See your tax advisor for details.)

Please consider making a contribution to one or both of these funds, recognizing that preparing for the future requires action now. Make your gift payable to the Midland Area Community Foundation, and indicate either “Bullock Creek” or “Kuehl Family” in the memo portion of your check. Send your gift to:

Midland Area Community Foundation

 P.O. Box 289

 Midland, MI 48640-0289

You can also make a credit card gift online at www.midlandfoundation.com.Stock gifts can be arranged by calling the foundation at 989.839.9661.


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