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Principal Newsletter


The largest ever recorded snow flake fell at Fort Keogh, Montana in 1887.  It was 15 inches in diameter and 8 inches thick.  I sure am glad those billions of snowflakes that fell last night were relatively small.
Stampede Pass, in Washington State, has an average snowfall of 430 inches.  What do you do with 36 feet of snow?
The scheduled presentation for the Washington D.C. trip will be rescheduled for Wednesday, February 19th.  The meeting will begin at 6:30pm in room 104 at the Middle School.
Our Middle School play will be held on Thursday, February 27th at 7:00pm in the high school auditorium and on Saturday March 1st at 2:00pm.  There will also be a production during the school day for students on Friday February 28th at 1:00pm.   Students will load the busses at the high school after the show.  If you have plans to pick up your student after school on February 28th, you may pick them up at the high school.  There will be a return bus to the Middle School for all volleyball players.  
The ACT Explore test will be given to 8th grade students on March 12th.  The ACT Explore is the first of three tests.  Students will take the the ACT Plan in 10th grade and the ACT in 11th grade.  The Explore test is an early indicator of possible success on the ACT.
Have a wonderful day!
Mr. Hale
Snowflakes are one of nature’s most fragile things, but just look what they can do when they stick together.  ~Vista M. Kelly

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