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Nov 18 Announcements

  • Congratulations to Tyler Crawford!  He was featured in our Freshmen OH Snap! picture of the Week!  Tyler, you can see Mrs. Discher in 5E to collect your prize–a free movie and concession item at Midland Cinemas!
    It’s your turn next, sophomores!  Watch for the yearbook staff to be snapping pictures all this week.  Maybe you’ll be featured in the the 2014-15 yearbook, and maybe your picture will be selected as the sophomore Photo of the Week!
  • Juniors:  There will be a very important Co-op meeting for anyone interested, tomorrow during 3rd hour.  Please make sure you sign up in the Career Center.
  • Attention Freshman Class Officers.  There will be a meeting tomorrow at 7:15 am in Mr. Korson’s room – 1B.  Please attend, we have a great deal to discuss!
  • Tomorrow is Black & Gold Card Day.  Bring your card to lunch!
  • Co-op’s:  Please check your mailbox.
  • Attention Seniors:  Just a reminder to turn in your diploma name form and motto suggestions to Ms. Rubingh in room 2D, or to the drop box in the Main office, by THIS Thursday, November 20th.


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