July 24, 2020 Bullock Creek Parents and Staff: Good morning! Last Friday I communicated with you about our fall return to learning plan and would like to provide you with opportunity to view a draft of our plans. On our district website we have posted the Governor’s Return to School Road Map, a copy of …
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Bd Minutes 6.29.20
Bd Minutes 6.29.20
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While there are still significant unknowns about the future of COVID-19 and its impact on Michigan, the Governor is committed to providing the guidance, support, and clarity that is needed to safely bring students back to the classroom for in-person instruction for the 2020-2021 school year. In doing so, we will continue to put safety …
Permanent link to this article: http://www2.bcreek.k12.mi.us/?p=20132
7/17/20 Return to Learn District Update
July 17, 2020 Bullock Creek Parents and Staff: I hope this letter finds you well and you’ve enjoyed your 4th of July holiday. I am writing to provide an update on our plans for our return to school in the fall. On June 30th Governor Whitmer released her 2020-21 Return to School Roadmap and Executive …
Permanent link to this article: http://www2.bcreek.k12.mi.us/?p=20129
Bd Agenda 7.20.20
July 20 Agenda
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NOTICE OF VIRTUAL SCHOOL BOARD MEETING Please take notice that the regularly scheduled Board of Education meeting for July 20, 2020, will be held as a virtual meeting. The meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m. Sandra Vauhkonen, Secretary Board of Education Join online: Meeting ID meet.google.com/vxn-xnsb-hdc By Phone: Phone Numbers (US)+1 347-507-7602 PIN: 737 773 537#
Permanent link to this article: http://www2.bcreek.k12.mi.us/?p=20123
Schools of Choice
Schools of Choice Under the Schools of Choice legislation (Section 105 and Section 105(c) of the School Aid Act), kindergarten through twelfth grade students residing within Midland County ESA and contiguous intermediate school districts may apply to attend Bullock Creek Schools for the 2021-22 school year with unlimited openings. Transportation for these students is the …
Permanent link to this article: http://www2.bcreek.k12.mi.us/?p=20118
Bd Minutes 5.18.20
Bd Minutes 5.18.20
Permanent link to this article: http://www2.bcreek.k12.mi.us/?p=20101
Bd Agenda Virtual Mtg June 29th
June 29 Board Agenda
Permanent link to this article: http://www2.bcreek.k12.mi.us/?p=20097
NOTICE OF VIRTUAL SCHOOL BOARD MEETING Please take notice that the regularly scheduled Board of Education meeting for June 29, 2020, will be held as a virtual meeting. The meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m. Join with Google Meet: Meeting ID meet.google.com/gfa-nsfi-tkv Phone Numbers (US)+1 513-760-6735 PIN: 253 338 448# Live Stream of Meeting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pR0TrwdmCyk …
Permanent link to this article: http://www2.bcreek.k12.mi.us/?p=20095