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Thank You Bullock Creek Community!

August 3, 2016

Dear Bullock Creek Community:

On behalf of the Bullock Creek Board of Education, students and staff, I would like to express our sincere thanks to the Bullock Creek Community for your support of our school improvement bond. Thousands will benefit from the support you have provided. I am continually reminded of the unity that exists in this community and the passing of the bond is another shining example. For many years, the Bullock Creek Community has rallied around the school district providing support each time there has been a request and we are extremely grateful. I am proud to serve in a district with the community support and care that exists here.

As we begin planning for 2017, our first phase of construction from our identified scope of work will begin in the summer of 2017. We will work very hard to stick closely with the identified scope of work and attempt to keep the cost of construction as low as possible. Our second phase of work will begin in the summer of 2020 and our third phase will begin in 2023. Our district website provides the scope of work that will take place over the next 8 years.

As Superintendent, I feel a very strong sense of responsibility in making sure the needs identified in our scope of work are addressed. I take this responsibility very seriously. As demonstrated by your vote, our children come first. Thank you for your commitment to the Creek, it truly is a great day to be a Lancer!



Shawn J. Hale


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