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September 8, 2017

  • Attention​ ​Sophomore​ ​Class! If​ ​you​ ​are​ ​interested​ ​in​ ​building​ ​our​ ​class​ ​homecoming​ ​float,​ ​we​ ​are meeting​ ​Sunday,​ ​September​ ​10th​ ​from​ ​1:00-6:00.​ ​ ​For​ ​location and more​ ​details​ ​please​ ​see​ ​Hadlee Rinn,​ ​Ethan​ ​Korson,​ ​Ellie​ ​Gustincic,​ ​Lauren​ ​Liechty,​ ​Maddie​ ​Rosolowski,​ ​or Amanda​ ​Taylor.​
  • Drama Club: Auditions for the fall production of Robin Hood will be held Tuesday, September 12th, at 3:00 in the auditorium.  Any student is welcome to audition.  If you are unable to attend auditions or have any questions, please talk to Mr. Shields Monday or Tuesday before school in room 2D.
  • Are you interested in learning more about mathematics?  If so, feel free to join the math club in Mrs. Syring’s room after school from 3-4 pm on Tuesdays for some mathematical fun.  Contact Mrs. Syring or Maxton Herst for more information..
  • Coach Borsenik will be holding a brief meeting Wednesday the 13th in the cafeteria immediately after school for all girls interested in playing softball in the spring.  We will discuss fall and winter work out times.  Be there if you plan to play.
  • Homecoming is just around the corner and you know what that means?! The annual Bullock Creek Powder Puff game is almost here! The game takes place on Saturday the 23rd, at 6pm. The cost is $2 and no sport passes are accepted.  Participants, please sign-up in the office, asap!
  • Hey lancers!  Student Council would like to officially announce an addition to our spirit week Competition.  With that being said drum roll please… the addition to this years spirit competition will be hallway decorating!  This will take place after the powder puff game on September 23rd!  We are so excited about this event!  Ask your class student council members for more information!
  • Remember students, If you would like to bring a guest from another school to the homecoming dance, you must fill out a Dance Visitor Pass. Pick one up in the main office today!

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