7th graders: Please turn in your signed copy of your EDP to Mrs. Fermoyle immediately. If you need another copy, please let Mrs. Fermoyle know.
8th graders: Anyone who still has not turned in your schedule for next year must do so to Mrs. Fermoyle no later than Thursday this week.
Attention 8th graders: Your Mackinac Island paperwork and money are due to Mrs. Willsie by Wednesday, May 2.
7th and 8th Grade Boys and Girls Basketball Sign up in the office. There will be a short meeting on Friday afternoon for information and upcoming dates.
Please sign up in the office for 9th Grade Cheerleading tryouts.
Theatre-Mania! Come play and be a star! This 6 week program will teach you to express yourself through performance and learn the intricacies of theater and acting. You will explore character development, movement, mask work, improvisation and much more. Gain knowledge of theory, technical theatre and theatre history as it relates to young performers. We will also explore audition techniques. Sign up in the office.
Yearbook Order Forms are in the office-last day to order on Friday.
KINETIC AFFECT on Friday, April 13th at the Rock 7PM.
Lunch tomorrow: Mexican Bosco Sticks or Pizza Quesadilla, with Fresh Fruit & Vegetables, Milk.