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Middle School Principal News 02/27/13

The Bullock Creek Middle School play, “Hillbilly Reunion”,  will open on February 28th at 7:00pm in the high school auditorium.  Middle School students will have the opportunity to see the play during the school day on Friday March 1st and there will be a final showing of the school play on Saturday March 2nd in the high school auditorium beginning at 2:00pm.

On March 13th, 8th students will be taking the ACT Explore test in the afternoon.
Parent and Teacher conferences will be held on March 19th from 4-7:30pm and on March 21st from 3-6:30pm
The second trimester ends on March 8th.  Students will begin the third trimester in their Encore classes on March 11th.
The third quarter will end on March 28th for all core classes.  When classes resume after spring break on April 8th, the 4th quarter will begin.
Spring break begins on March 29th.
Below is a letter from Mr. Smokovitz that has provided to band parents which outlines upcoming events.  This letter was also sent home with students.
Have a wonderful week!
Mr. Hale
“If you think you can or you think you can’t, either way you are right.”  Henry Ford
Dear BCMS Band Parents and Students,
         The 8th Grade Band is preparing to play at District Band Festival, their first competition.  Below is some information to help with planning your family schedules.  A detailed Band Festival Itinerary will follow.  Please check the band page on the school website.  The detailed Itinerary will be posted there in advance of the students receiving the Itinerary to bring home.
         The date of District Band Festival is: Saturday, March 16, 2013.  The 8th grade band performs at 10:50am at Perry HS.  There is a long check-list of things to do that will be listed on the itinerary.  For now it is important to know that the students will need to report to the MS at 7:00am that Saturday.  They will need to wear their black pants, white shirts, black shoes and socks.  We will have a breakfast snack for them before they board school busses to depart at 7:30am.  Students will return to the Middle School and be ready for pick up at 2:30pm that afternoon.  If parents would like to pick up their child after the performance in Perry, that is OK.  Students will be ready for their parents to check them out with Mr. Smokovitz at 12:30pm in the Perry Cafeteria.
         Additionally, there will be a Pre-Festival Concert on Wednesday, March 13, 2013. This concert will be at 7pm in the HS Auditorium and will last 1hr.  Students will need to wear their concert attire.  Vests and ties will be added on site just before we play.  There is no admission charge for this concert and will feature the 8th Grade Band and the Varsity Band.  This concert is in preparation for the Festival performance and gives the students an opportunity to play for an audience before performing before judges at festival.  It also gives the students the opportunity work the stage set up as well as the formal stage entrance and exit procedures.  We hope that you can attend the Pre-Festival concert as well as Band Festival in Perry.
                                                                        Sincerely  –  Mr. Smokovitz

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