Category Archive: Principal News Middle School

BCMS – Halloween (Reminders)

Dear BCMS Families, Halloween falls on Thursday this week and we want to extend the invitation to all students to wear their costume to school on that day.  Students are welcome to dress up and enjoy the day.  Please make sure all costumes are ‘school appropriate’.  That means all costumes must still meet the dress code.  …

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BCMS News & Notes

Dear BCMS Families, Thank you to all the families that made it to conferences last night.  It was great to see everyone and we’re looking forward to meeting with more families next Tuesday. 1. Parent/Teacher Conferences – Tuesday, October 29th 3:00-6:30pm 2.  Fall Band Concert – Tuesday, October 29th @ 7pm, BCHS Auditorium 3.  Student concert performance – Wednesday, October …

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BCMS Parent/Teacher Conferences – Reminder

Dear BCMS Families, Just a quick reminder that BCMS is hosting conferences tomorrow, October 24th from 4:00-7:30pm and October 29th from 3:00-7:30pm. Both conference nights will be drop-in only.  Conferences will be held in the following locations, depending on the grade level. 6th – gym 7th – cafeteria 8th – library Elective teachers and those teaching more than one grade level may be …

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BCMS News & Notes

Dear BCMS Families, Here are a few things you should know this week… 1.  BCMS Cross Country will run their last race of the season tonight at Shepherd HS.  It has been a great season, the athletes should be very proud. 2.  Next week is our last week for girls volleyball. 3.  Looking for girls who …

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CSC Presentation – 8th Grade ONLY

Dear 8th Grade Parents, Every fall the Judges of Midland County present important information to students regarding the criminal sexual conduct laws.  This year the parent presentation is scheduled for October 29th @7:00pm.  Our students will receive this same information, at school, on November 6th.  Please see attachments for additional details and the ‘opt out’ form. If …

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BCMS News & Notes

Just a few things to share this week… 1. REMINDER:  Tomorrow, October 11th is a ½ day for students.  BCMS dismissal is at 10:30 – no lunches will be served. 2.  Parent/Teacher Conferences:  October 24th 4:00-7:30 & October 29th 3:00-6:30.  Parents should know that historically, the first day of conferences are the busiest and especially the first hour or so.  …

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BCMS News & Notes

Dear BCMS Families, 1.  Substitute Teachers needed.  If you enjoy working with children, have earned at least 60 college credits and would like a flexible schedule, please consider becoming a substitute teacher.  Please contact the Bullock Creek Central Office at 989-631-9022 for more information. 2. Thursday – MS Dance 2:30-4:00 and Curriculum Night 4:15-5:15.  If you’re attending …

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BCMS News & Notes

Dear BCMS Families, Here are a few important things to know… 1.  October 3rd – School Dance 2:30-4:00.  Admission $3.00, Pizza $1.50, Pop $0.50.  Please pick up using both the North and South parking lot loops, this will help with traffic flow.  We encourage everyone to stay for the Curriculum night following the dance. 2.  October 3rd …

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BCMS News & Notes

Dear BCMS Families, 1.  Homecoming is next Friday, September 20th – more details to come. 2.  Next week is Spirit Week at BCMS. ** Spirit Week, September 16 – September 20! ** Spirit Week is next week! This is each grade level’s first chance to earn points towards the Spirit Award.  Dress up, show your spirit and …

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BCMS Information & Reminders

Dear BCMS Families, Just a couple of quick things this week… 1.  Friday, September 13th – ½ Day for students.  BCMS will dismiss at 10:30am -no lunches will be served.  All students will need to be out of the building after school (by 11:00am).  The staff will be participating in an emergency situation training.  Thank you. 2.  BCMS …

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